


  • C++, Python, MATLAB, LaTeX, R, Unity with C#


  • Java

I learned Unity and R while performing original research at the Center for Applied Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences as part of the Research Science Institute. In my work studying how humans perceive the motion of robotic swarms under different swarm control schemes, I grew proficient in the use of Unity to create simulations of robotic swarm motion. To analyze my data, I learned R to the degree necessary to perform linear mixed effect modeling with the likelihood ratio test on my data to reach my conclusions.

I use C++ to compete in the USA Computing Olympiad, where I am currently in the Gold Division. I started learning in the fall of 9th grade, and am now proficient in the data structures, methods, and algorithms needed to be competitive at the Gold level, including but not limited to: sets, maps, priority queues, stacks, binary search, breadth-first search, depth-first search, flood fill, segment trees, range minimum queries, Floyd-Warshall, Prim’s, Dijkstra’s, and Kruskal’s. I can solve problems involving greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, various sorting methods, graph theory, shortest paths, and memoization.

I learned MATLAB through Stanford’s CME 102/ENGR 155A Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers class. I am now proficient in setting up systems of differential equations, solving differential equations, and numerically approximating differential equations through a multitude of numerical analysis methods. These include but are not limited to: Euler, backward Euler, Heun, Runge-Kutta, two-step Adams-Bashforth, and two-step Adams-Moulton. I have used MATLAB to set up and solve for systems of differential equations governing the paths of light rays in a nontracking solar thermal concentrator, then used numerical analysis (in this case, RK4) to empirically derive the shape of the concentrator.